
Notices, news and updates from Ipswich Arts Association and member organisations.

Woodbridge Choral Society –
– seek piano accompanist.

Woodbridge Choral Society are seeking an experienced accompanist for weekly rehearsals held 7.15 – 9.15pm. at Kyson School, Woodbridge. Post commences from 15th October.  Applications close 3rd September.
WCS is a thriving choir of 75-90 singers performing 2-3 concerts each year.
For more details click to open pdf – WCS /Accompanist.
For more about WCS visit :
or contact via:

Town Lectures & Concerts.
Lecture July 11th.
Ronnie Blythe (1922 – 2023) with Janet Dann.

At the end of his long life, Ronald Blythe described himself as ‘watchful, curious and gratefully amazed’. The eldest of six children in a family of agricultural labourers, he left school at 14 and began his ‘real education’. Advice to aspiring writers frequently comes as ‘write what you know’. He certainly did so with ‘Akenfield’, the 1969 chronicle of Suffolk rural life, but to define him by this one work is to do him a great disservice.

Lectures & Concerts are presented at Museum Street Methodist Church, Ipswich IP1 2EF.
(entrance in Black Horse Lane),  From 1.00 to 1.50pm. Doors open 12.30pm.
ADMISSION IS FREE  – with a retiring collection.
Donations of at least £3.00 per person are valued to maintain the series.
Refreshments, served 12.30 -1.55pm. are included. 

IAA in Community News, East Anglian Daily Timeimage for IAA / EADT article ,community News with chris green 9/7/24

Look out for the Community News pages in each Tuesday’s edition of the East Anglian Daily Times. There you will find news of Ipswich Arts Association and member organisations.
Click here to Read the Current Column – July 9th.
Featuring: Sir Malcolm Arnold, IAA Town Lectures& Concerts
Ipswich Town Walks and more…

If you would like your member society mentioned contact the Chair of Ipswich Arts Association – Chris Green,

Ipswich Charter Hangings / St Peters by the Waterfrontdetail of Ipswich charter hanging panel No1 - Viking..

The Ipswich Charter Hangings may be viewed at St Peter’s by the Waterfront, College St, Ipswich IP4 1BF Entry is via the front gates then round to the right and through  the side doorway. Admission Free.
St Peter’s re-opened in 2008 as St Peter’s by the Waterfront – Arts & Heritage Centre and runs a full programme of events throughout the year.
Details on St Peter’s website:  St Peters by the Waterfront

St Peter’s is open to the public on the following days and times;
May – September:
….Tuesdays: 10am – 4pm. Wednesdays: 12noon – 2.00pm. Thursdays: 10am – 4pm.
October – April:
….Wednesdays 12noon – 2.00pm.

(PLEASE NOTE: Older versions of the Charter Hangings leaflet in circulation,
will show an earlier opening time of 10.30am. for Wednesdays)

For more information:  Ipswich Charter Hangings  and  St. Peters by the Waterfront

Charter Hangings – Volunteers needed!
Ipswich Arts Association are seeking stewards for their volunteer rota at St Peter’s by the Waterfront. Volunteers welcome people to St Peter’s and highlight the information available for the various displays including the wonderful Ipswich Charter Hangings.
Sessions are Tuesdays – mornings 10am-1pm and/or afternoons 1pm – 4pm.  Just one or two sessions during the season helps and is much appreciated, If you are interested, or would like more information, please email – Ann Cloke;

The New Wolsey Theatre

The New Wolsey Theatre announces its first Associate Artists and Artist Relationship programme.
Six East Anglian artists and companies – Aspire Black Suffolk, Jamie Beddard, Martha Loader, Mae Munuo, The Paper Birds and Spinning Wheel – are delighted to have been appointed to work with the New Wolsey Theatre’s Chief Executive/Artistic Director Douglas Rintoul in Ipswich, as part of its inaugural Associate Artists programme celebrating and supporting creativity in the region.
To learn more click to open pdf file NWT/Associate Artist

IAA Subscription Rates

Current subscription rates are as follows;
Large Groups – 80 members or more:  £50 per year.
Small Groups – 79 members or less:  £25 per year.
Solo Artists / Performers: £10 per year.

For membership enquiries please visit our How to join page.