There has been a music society in Hadleigh for over 130 years who performed ‘Special Services’ (i.e. concerts) in St Mary’s Church during the late nineteenth century, with chorus numbers reaching ninety. In 1919 the choir became the Hadleigh Operatic and Dramatic Society and then, in 1950, Hadleigh Choral Society. Since 1950 the choir has thrived, apart from a couple of years in the mid-1980s. In 1988 it was reformed and continues to this day. The present musical director, Christopher Phelps has been with the choir since 1991. In recent years the society has had two notable past presidents, Sir Charles Groves, followed by George Malcolm. The current honorary president is John Lill CBE who has a special relationship with the Society, having performed with it on several occasions, including at Snape Maltings Concert Hall. The choir now numbers over 90 members. We enjoy singing mainly from the established choral repertoire when we perform with the Colchester Symphony Orchestra and professional soloists. Our aim is to promote and develop music in all its aspects. We are a friendly but committed group of singers and we welcome new members. There are no auditions but some ability to read music and some singing experience are useful as well as a commitment to practice!
Hadleigh Choral Society
Hadleigh Choral Society
We have two main concerts each year which take place in the centre of Hadleigh at St Mary’s Church. We also perform a mix of lighter music at Christmas and two summer concerts.
Find out more at:
Hadleigh Choral Society - Member Organisations
Contact Jayne Jones IP7 5AX
Hadleigh Choral Society