IAA Town Lectures & Concerts. -The Quilt as Art – Sara Impey.

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Date(s) - 12/09/2024
1:00 pm - 1:50 pm

Museum Street Methodist Church


IAA Town Lectures and Concerts 2024

Lecture – September 12th

The Quilt as Art – Sara Impey

Sara Impey is an award-winning quilt artist from Essex with work in many public
collections, including the Victoria and Albert Museum. A former journalist, she stitches
texts (which she writes herself) on to her quilts, enabling her to use the textile surface to
comment on social or personal issues, sometimes with a dash of humour.
 Today Sarah
shows examples of her work and discusses how other contemporary textile artists are
using the techniques of quilt making to produce wall- hangings or three-dimensional
artworks which transcend the traditional notion of the ‘quilt’ as a functional object.

Quilt as Art - Sara Impey. IAA lunchtime lecture 12th September 2024

Lectures & Concerts are presented at Museum Street Methodist Church,
Ipswich IP1 2EF 
(entrance in Black Horse Lane).
From 1.00 to 1.50pm. Doors open 12.30pm.

ADMISSION IS FREE  – with a retiring collection.
Donations of at least £3.00 per person are valued to maintain the series.
Refreshments, served 12.30 -1.55pm. are included.

Full details of the 2024 series on the TOWN LECTURES & CONCERTS page.